Paddock for the rest day
10meters X 10meters are enough. Made up a gate and electrify it, if to your horse like the trees protect it with the tape, by rolling it on the trees and connecting it at the beginning with the Teflon cable. In this way your horse can spend the day outside and not in a 3x3meter box.
Your horse don’t like the trailer
![Il vostro cavallo non ama salire nel suo van Il vostro cavallo non ama salire nel suo van](system/html/consigli5-2d5afd46.jpg)
Training and care
Thanks to this small mobile paddock, you can raise your yearlings or your hard horse on van! In a lonely place (from the group of other horses) take a small paddock as on the sketch. Should isolate the tape from the van with the isolator Ref. 10V(Screw) or Ref. 10B(with bolts) or the tensioner Ref. 44V /44B, if you used the 4cm tape. Place to eat and drink in the bottom of the van and let your horse with this dilemma: eating and drinking in the van, or hunger and thirst ..... Time is your ally .... If your van is very noisy, a bit or a straw mat can absorb sound.
Remove danger
![allontanare le recinzioni pericolose allontanare le recinzioni pericolose](system/html/distanziatori2-02cd7300.jpg)
We can use spacers Ref.13U composed of two highly resistant steel bars that hold the insulator separated by about 30cm from the wires dangerous. The tips are threaded directly into the wooden stake with a hammer.
The extended tensioner Ref. 44U retains the same distance (30 cm) from the gates. The extended corner isolator Ref. 45U, is mounted on a huge pin, hold the wire at a distance of 30 cm from the corner. Many prefer to mount the tensioner Ref. 44U in corners, in order to better stretch the tape.
Thanks to the extended isolator and tensioner you can put the tape far from all types of fencing, where it is needed, lest the horses should stay away from the existing fences. With two Ref.13U fixed on the same stake you create a corridor from 60 to 65 cm between two fighting horses.
Your horse at home
Divide a field too large: with this system, you can double or triple the production of grass. While your horse will be in a paddock, you can fertilize the one that has just been used or you can collect the manure, thus interrupting the cycle of the parasites. You can join the hut, or box overlooking the paddock, together to the lane leading to the paddock. Or you could build small fences around your box, and your horses will go in and out being free.
![Avere il proprio cavallo a casa Avere il proprio cavallo a casa](tl_files/_public/_img/cat_cavalli/consigli6.jpg)
Keep horses of others
Many farmers, or just fans, use their farm to create retirement for horses. The question arises of the fence: which fence better than ours? Surely is more secure, more flexible and less costly both for maintenance and installation. Sometimes, even move and replace the existing fencing is still more expensive than buying our fences. Manpower is an important cost.
![Tenere cavalli in pensione Tenere cavalli in pensione](tl_files/_public/_img/cat_cavalli/consigli7.jpg)
For the breeders
Build the paddock side by side, not too big, with a 4 cm tape in two heights. Build the same thing on the other side, leaving the 6m wide center lane. This lane blocked at the ends with tape on 2 heights and created gate at each side allows to have another central paddock, adjacent to the paddock, in this new paddock you can leave a gelding. Enter mares into the other paddock to test the heat. Looking at your mares, you will see the interest in this gelding as their heat will increase. This trick , will notify you of the very interesting information with maximum security. This will help you saving time on the control of heat. This system also will give you the chance to put out all the horses and rolling through the central corridor to be managed easily.
Even the foals learn to respect the tape. With our system you will avoid all DANGEROUS FENCING, in fact one of the top results of our work with fieldguard, was to not have more horses injured because of fences.
If you already have an energizer
If it is an energizer of manufacture prior to 1982, throw it away! Painful but required! Before that date were all electromagnetic and high-impedance, this means that the first touching of grass strip were grounded and longer function. Since 1982 it has gone, for the most part, to have electronic low impedance energizers.
Not close the circuit
With our fieldguard you do not have to close the circuit, or do not have to make that tape and go back to the energizer. It is not important! It is the horse that closes the circuit (ground / phase)! For your convenience, you can close the circuit, but not required, the only thing is that the power will go right and left and meet on the other end. Never attach two energizers on the same fence! The sum of the two impulses would lead to the cancellation of the official range for one to another (1 herz). Do not use small electric wires, from other manufacturers to bring the current to our tape! The result is similar to one that wants to create a stream with the water hose at home.