Mangiatoia antispreco fissa

Ref. Man1 fixed anti-waste manger

Polypropylene feeding trough with aluminium border and galvanized iron support . Capacity lt 17.

Mangiatoia antispreco estraibile

Ref. Man2 mobile anti-waste manger

Polypropylene feeding trough with aluminium border and galvanized iron support + Attachment. Capacity lt 17.

Mangiatoia per puledri

Ref. Man3 Foal manger

Polyethylene feeding trough with galvanized iron support and alluminium adjustable pivote. Capacity lt 11.


Mangiatoia pony

Ref. Man4 fixed pony manger

Polypropylene feeding trough with galvanized iron attachment. Capacity lt 15.

Mangiatoia pony estraibile

Ref. Man5 mobile pony manger

Polypropylene feeding trough with galvanized iron attachment + attachment. Capacity lt 15.


Mangiatoia ad angolo

Ref. Man6 corner manger

Polypropylene feeding trough with aluminium border and galvanized iron support. Capacity lt 17.