
Even the electric fence as mentioned above has its weaknesses: it works so well that we do not maintain!
The control of weeds or grasses that border on the tape, decrease greatly optimize your system, and without energy your tape becomes a tightrope that your horse will use to scratch.
There are indeed many ways to fight weeds: the regular cutting of the grass under the tape and all the plants that the horse does not eat, tilling under the tape; spend a mild herbicide, in a band of about 60 cm below the belt, careful not to touch the tape.
Always use the same height from the ground, the horses never try to get over it. Always use a very powerful energizer.
The tape is dirty? No problem!

After years and years of loyal work, the white tape, only he does not brown or green, turn into gray for dust and smog, or greenish for molds if on trees. Not to advertise some product instead others but Ajax Liquid rather than Maister Propper or a good kitchen degreaser (as it is not based on the common thinners) serves the purpose: Soak a cloth and gently past the tape. As good as new! Unlikely you will be able to avoid the spider webs or the deposition of eggs and larvae, but this kind of things do not cause damage if not of small electrical losses.
Distance between poles

The wind is a tireless enemy of electrical tape, never exceed 5 meters in distance between a pole and the other, arrived at 3 meters if you live in areas such as Trieste. By contrast there is no need to use large poles in the space between a corner and the other or between the ends. The only thing the intermediate poles has to keep the tape in place and at the same height. The poles at the ends will be bigger and stronger, and will have the task of keeping the tape taut. Building a temporary paddock with a few number of poles the tape will vibrate strongly with a strong wind. Someone is happy, but the result is that the tape vibrating inside the isolator will be consumed. Here's another reason why we have added the two wires Shockproof polyester. The whole is then optimized thanks to insulator Rif. 8N, special for the tape, and the special texture of the tape that lets the wind with minimal vibration. This solution solves the problem of vibrations leaving all the technical characteristics of the tape.
The isolator must do its job

As stated by the etymology of the word, the isolator must isolate. Be sure of this, because it is very important that you do not download through the iron poles, wood, and of those on all surfaces, even more if wet, on which you'll want to fix it. But be careful with the competition’s insulator: do not buy insulators that have not been built specifically for the tape. Very often you will come across insulators designed for the wire or rope, or even worse, they have to serve several purposes: a few months and the tape will be broken or frayed.
Attention also to those insulators not treated against UV: the sun's rays consume them and so brittle, so broke them and not make them more "insulation" with moisture, and disable the system.
Producers without experience give negative results, which in case of wind and in any case they bitterly regret the unwary buyer.
An indestructible tape?
Once designed and built this fence system was unveiled at the Horse Fair in Paris. For the first time in the history of this salon our system has received three Oscars: one for the best innovation, one for the best technical research and one as better equipment. Since that time we took him around the world, to make it known. From Canada where it needs to operate at - 40 ° C, where he need to have a plastic that resist without breaking, to Saudi Arabia, where with his searing heat we found treatments that make the system very strong and durable, the experience gained in areas such as Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Mexico, the United States, where in some areas the hot sun does not forgive types of plastics such as polypropylene, forced us to use anti-UV treatments that guarantee in optimally. The addition of the two shock-proof polyester wires, also protected from UV rays, made the life of our tape longer then every other. From trial to trial, we arrived at a type of plastic, which improves the characteristics with exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays (which, to be honest, we were surprised).