Paletto di Terra

Ref. T1
Grounf Rod 1.20m high galvanized
We should call it "the connection to the moisture in the soil." The earth is perhaps one of the most underrated but at the same time the most important for the proper functioning of the electric fence security system. Imagine if we were to make a theoretical calculation of the need for an energizer like ours, to cover all its potential for electrification of fences, we should use a stake in the ground with a diameter of 20 mm and length 6 meters!

Il paletto di terra

What does this mean?
This means that the pole of the earth has its main function important to reach the top layers of soil moist. As you know the soil is composed of many layers and each place has a different morphology of the terrain. Well, we have to reach the pole with the top layers moist to ensure that the current then travel as far as possible.

In fact, in very dry soil if you do not come to this layer even if the animal touches the tape will remain isolated.
A trick to make sure the ground is well-functioning is that, when it is connected with the fence, touch with your hand or use the tester Ref.18,to verify that there is no current. If the tester does not light up, it means that the earth works. If there is current improve it, planted two stakes Ref. T1 to about 3 meters connected to the first and each other through a wire galvanized or stainless steel or a special cable.
You will see the result!

A metal object, if close to the tape,
will be electrified?

In the summer season – when the ground is very dry - yes!
Thanks to electromagnetic fields, magnetic induction, under certain specific conditions, it is possible.
So they can be electrified mangers drinking trough so leave bad memories for our animals.

What to do?
Simple, just put them on the ground by connecting them with a ground rod Ref. T1