Our Electric Fence Safety System is the top of technology.

Even the wild animals, the same principle, do not try to lock them up, but built fences to protect certain places. So it is for wild boar, which, with our complete system and we are cast in this way to preserve corn fields that towards the end of the period of July, August and early September, usually are being plundered. It seems an expensive system, but it does save a lot of money to those who install a guard of his fields! Excellent results we have achieved for the deer! Obviously with different structural characteristics. Think of it in some places in Africa, our fences serve as a protection against dangerous animals, hippos and elephants.
We have sharpened over the years a great deal of experience in the wild thanks to collaborations with the national parks, the hunting territories and provincial governments linked to the territory and the environment. Our service is therefore not only in the case of wild to cooperate in the supply of the plant but also to give our best advice to install the system and the optimal solution for all the different animal species.

Recinzione Elettrica Antiurto di Sicurezza

Our FieldGard is the top of the technology for what concerns the fences. Thanks to the quick installation, the purchase cost and the low maintenance. The concept of our system is based not only on the mechanical strength, which was held at about 400kg, but the fact that the animal start to respect and avoids not even going to touch it after the first experience with the current. Our system is based on the Shockproof Tape, but include energizers, insulators, the poles, the tensioners and a huge range of accessories stainless steel, which allows to answer all your needs.

The system works in three ways

FIRST: The electricity, will prod the animal every time he try to go to graze the grass near the fence. Our electric fences, if well installed, comply with this rule. In contrast, however, even if cows can be fenced with a single tape, for the animal, is not enough, and this solution is not safe especially with tape of low thickness.

SECOND: The visual barrier (created by the tape), represents an obstacle for the animal clearly visible and wide, so difficult to overcome. In addition, when they attempt to pass the electric fence his instinct will remind him: "No, beyond the fence is too painful, I cannot go through, I have to find another gate." Is to meet this need, which requires at least two or three heights of tape!

THIRD: networks using specially prepared, joins the deterrent electricity the physical ability to restrain the animal by a specially designed network. A great success!

On what principle is based?

If we put a finger in a hole in the wall outlet, do not take the shock! But if you put two? The energizer is made to transform and pulse, from the current 220 v or 12v or 9v battery, multiplying the voltage by 40 or more in the case of batteries, but breaking down the amperage to a few hundredths of Amps.

The system to function consists of two wires, the first, what we will call "land", is inserted in a special ground bollard that turns the soil in a big conductor.

The second phase is attached to the tape. When the animal, touch the tape, the fact that walking around with their hooves on the ground for a moment connects the earth with the tape, which is why it takes the shock

Containment system

We want to introduce our containment system electrification market for eco-friendly wildlife. More and more humans, subverting the laws of nature, having eliminated the natural predators of many animal species, forcing the wild to live in demarcated areas, then finds himself having to protect crops, plantations, roads and areas where these animals would find easy livelihood.
Our Electric Fence Safety System is experienced and used by Canada to the African savannah, with its full range of accessories, it responds with great success and efficiency to this need much to be chosen and used by many fields Hunting in Italy. The ease of use and low operating costs make it the only possible solution for a natural control of the wild and appreciated by all ethologists and naturalists. Indeed our system should not be considered as a cage, a trap or a coercive apparatus, but as protection. The electrical impulse perceived by the animal that touches it becomes a warning and a hurdle "invisible" which deters the animal from further attempts, without injury or cause him any harm and the animal that walks on the ground, connecting the two stages and takes the electrical impulse.
For him that point it becomes an insurmountable barrier: our tapes are more sturdy and withstand the first attacks of the wild trying to break through without yielding.
Great importance must be placed in the deep put a land that disperses very well Rif.T1. As we have said many times the main element of this system is electrical tape loaded safety. Has anyone tried to copy it but for now there is no one succeeded!