
We have many accessories that make the system adapt to all needs, insulators as well as other pieces can be equipped with different items to fixate they on wood, steel, concrete, or with straps on plants and more. Let's see them..

Rif. 8V     Rif. 8N

Ref. 8V
Robust, locks the tape without damaging it, thanks to its two plastic screws. If you want to fix it on a wooden pole you need just two screws


Ref. 8N
If you want to install it on a fibreglass pole with a diameter of 12 mm, just toss it without screws. Simply with a hammer, a little attention (has holes prepared) and there he is on the Fiberglass pole.

Rif. 8S   Rif. 8C   Rif. 8R

Ref. 8S
On the trees..with a strap.


Ref. 8C
On a stake is fixed with clamps.


Ref. 8R
On a metal pole is fixed with rivets.

Rif. 17N   Rif. 15   Rif. 16N

Ref. 17N
Insulator Screw-on stakes diameter of less than 12mm.


Ref. 15
For all kinds of tape, excellent in box at the top of the stallions.


Ref. 16N
Less strong than the
Ref. 8, not recommended in windy regions.


IIsolators for poles in pvc, and our stakes TPG
Rif.TPIWH: Isolator white
Rif.TPIBR: Isolator brown
Rif.TPIGR: Isolator green

Spacers, turn away the dangers

Rif. 13L   Rif. 13U

Ref. 13L
Extended insulator pig tail
Spacer that hangs on net or wire with his terminal.


Ref. 13U
Extended insulator for wooden poles
This insulator is ideal where a field is dangerously fenced (barbed or normal wire, broken posts and rails) or temporarily rented where minimal disturbance is necessary. It keeps animals safely away from the existing fence. It is also useful for stopping animals from fighting over passive fences. It is nailed into existing wood stakes.

Rif. 44U   Rif. 45U

Ref. 44U
Spacer tensioner
Allows use of the tensioner contact carrier Ref44 also on fences spaced.


Ref. 45U
Spacer for corner
Mounted on two pins that distances it from the fence allows the use of fences spaced.

Corner Insulator

Rif. 45V   Rif. 45B

Ref. 45V
Its solidity allows to tighten the tape in the corners with two screws (V).


Ref. 45B
To be fixed on iron pole with bolts or trees with straps.


How to install the corner insulator:

  • Leave a space for the insertion of the tape;
  • When the tape is tight, tighten the screws.


Rif. 44V  

Ref. 44V are essential in these cases:

  • to secure and well stop the end of our fence;
  • For doors: before and after the handle;
  • Each 80/100 m for help to tighten the tape      on very long sides;
  • Instead of insulators corner in some paddock where you need to tighten and stretch the       tape also in the corner.
Rif. 44T   Rif. Clips

Ref. 44T
Allows to derive a third line with the tape by a single Ref 44. Must be added to Ref 44N or Ref 45V locked in the buckle.


Provided normally attached to the plastic of Ref. 44 or Ref. 45. They can be ordered separately. Block the terminal part of the tape.
The tape that remains can be blocked with the use of the two tweezers which must be removed from the molded plastic.

How to fix the tape


Lift the clasp, insert the dubbed tape and lower the barb, the Ref. 44 can be screws (Ref. 44V)
or bolts (Ref. 44B).


Just as easily you can remove just pull with one hand to remove the tension.



Secure the excess tape with clips